2016 Year in Review

In a year that’s been incredibly divided, we travelled around the world, meeting our community and seeing how playing with empathy can bring people together.


Starting with a school in Winnipeg torn apart by racism, this year has had many ups and downs.

You’ve brought the Empathy Toy into your schools, workplaces, and homes! From organizations struggling to hire for empathic employees, to young makers using empathy as a tool for invention, to bankers wanting to better understand their customers, to MBA students incorporating empathy into how they do business, you’re proving that understanding each other is a universally important skill.

We saw how a school can change for the better, reducing bullying by 85%, and creating a movement in the process. We want to support these amazing initiatives all over the world so we launched online empathy toy training and we’re already working on making 21 Leaders available to schools and organizations worldwide.

Thank you for being part of our community! You showed us that regardless of age, race, or education, a desire to better understand each other is more powerful than the fear that divides us.

Let’s make 2017 a year for empathic leadership.

– The Team at Twenty One Toys