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A multi-award-winning educational tool used in 1000s of schools and offices worldwide, The Empathy Toy is a collaborative puzzle game that can only be solved when players learn to understand each other.
Empathy Toy® Workshops online options
Our team of expert facilitators travels the world leading hands-on workshops in empathic leadership, communication and collaboration.
- tailored for your team
- anywhere in the world
- free 15min discovery call to find out more
Empathy Toy® Training join the waitlist
Discover the wide range of applications for the Empathy Toy and start integrating it into your own workshops.
Our latest creation is a game of balance and experimentation that's already winning over teams in our Failure Toy workshops.
Failure Toy® Workshopsonline options
Delivered by our expert facilitators, our Failure Toy workshops help teams all over the world develop a healthier, more productive understanding of failure.
- tailored for your team
- anywhere in the world
- free 15min discovery call to find out more
Failure Toy® Trainingjoin the waitlist
Discover the wide range of applications for the Failure Toy and start integrating it into your own workshops.
So why are we bringing toys back?
Well, because we lose almost all of our creative genius in the 21 years between ages 4 and 25!*
That's a big problem because creativity, collaboration, and social‑emotional skills are key to success in the 21st century.
Loved By
“[St. John's High School] had a huge reduction in bullying [an 85% drop in conflict-based office referrals] as a result of Empathy Toys."
Tara John,
Head, Talent, Inclusion and Learning,
Bank of Montreal“I have seen first hand the powerful impact the Empathy Toy has had on our leaders at Bank of Montreal.”
“[The Empathy Toys] don't just develop empathy - they also foster resilience, collaboration, and creativity.”
TIME Magazine
September 2014“One of six new technologies shaping classrooms of the future…”
Pasi Sahlberg
Director-General, Finland’s Ministry of Education“Toys that help kids become global leaders: The Empathy Toy is my favorite.”